Curriculum Vitae

Informasi singkat tentang Staff Pengajar PPDS Farmakologi Klinik FKUI.

Tentang saya

Prof. Dr. dr. Purwantyastuti, M.Sc., Sp.FK

Dosen Tetap


Obat Herbal


Anti Tuberkulosis


Drug Utilization Study


5 Publikasi dengan sitasi terbanyak

  1. Isoniazid, rifampin, and pyrazinamide plasma concentrations in relation to treatment response in Indonesian pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 57 (8), 3614-3619.
  2. The effect of an’Annona muricata’leaf extract on nutritional status and cytotoxicity in colorectal cancer: A randomized controlled trial. Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition 26 (4), 606-612.
  3. Cytotoxic activity of soursop “Annona muricata” leaves extracts and their phytochemical contents. Journal of Global Pharma Technology 9 (2), 35-40.
  4. Perceived of healthcare utilization by adult pulmonary tuberculosis patients for their children in Yogyakarta. Asian Journal of Epidemiology 10 (2), 70-75.
  5. Antiproliferative activity and caspase enhancement properties of Annona muricata leaves extract against colorectal cancer cells. Medical journal of Indonesia 25 (3), 136-42.

5 Publikasi terbaru

  1. Bedaquiline Effect on QT Interval of Drugs-Resistant Tuberculosis Patients: Real World Data. Acta Medica Indonesiana 54 (3), 389-396.
  2. Anti-aging effects of fenugreek cream on postmenopausal skin: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 11 (11), 095-103.
  3. The characteristics and gastric endoscopy features of patients taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 36, 265-265.
  4. The effectiveness of a module for primary health care professionals in preventing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-associated gastrointestinal adverse reactions among elderly. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 30, 358-358.
  5. Outcomes of Daily Dose versus Part-daily Dose Treatment for Lung Tuberculosis: A Real-World Database Study in an Indonesian Hospital. Acta Medica Indonesiana 53 (1), 18-23

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Senin – Jum’at :
08.00 – 16.00


Jl. Salemba Raya No.6, Kenari, Kec. Senen, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta