Curriculum Vitae

Informasi singkat tentang Staff Pengajar PPDS Farmakologi Klinik FKUI.

Tentang saya

dr. Vivian Soetikno, Sp.FK., Ph.D.

Dosen Tetap




Metabolic and Degenerative Disease


Drug Utilization Study


5 Publikasi dengan sitasi terbanyak

  1. Curcumin ameliorates macrophage infiltration by inhibiting NF-κB activation and proinflammatory cytokines in streptozotocin induced-diabetic nephropathy. Nutrition & metabolism 8 (1), 1-11.
  2. Curcumin alleviates oxidative stress, inflammation, and renal fibrosis in remnant kidney through the N rf2–keap1 pathway. Molecular nutrition & food research 57 (9), 1649-1659.
  3. Curcumin prevents diabetic cardiomyopathy in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats: possible involvement of PKC–MAPK signaling pathway. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 47 (3), 604-614.
  4. Curcumin attenuates diabetic nephropathy by inhibiting PKC‐α and PKC‐β1 activity in streptozotocin‐induced type I diabetic rats. Molecular nutrition & food research 55 (11), 1655-1665.
  5. Curcumin decreases renal triglyceride accumulation through AMPK–SREBP signaling pathway in streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetic rats. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry 24 (5), 796-802.

5 Publikasi terbaru

  1. Alpha-mangostin counteracts hyperuricemia and renal dysfunction by inhibiting URAT1 renal transporter in insulin resistance rat model. Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 11 (1), 1-8.
  2. Patency rate difference of the arteriovenous fistula with and without pre-anastomosis balloon dilatation in chronic kidney disease patients. Bali Medical Journal 11 (3), 1259-1261.
  3. Effect of primary balloon angioplasty on draining vein diameter and volume flow in patients with arteriovenous fistula: A cohort study. Annals of Medicine and Surgery 81, 104426.
  4. Lack of Correlation Between Soluble Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 and Inflammatory Markers in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients with Hypertension. Infection and Drug Resistance 15, 4799-4807.
  5. Novel and simple method using cable ties to induce intestinal strangulation in a rat model. Medical Journal of Indonesia 31 (2), 91-5.

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Senin – Jum’at :
08.00 – 16.00


Jl. Salemba Raya No.6, Kenari, Kec. Senen, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta