Curriculum Vitae

Informasi singkat tentang Staff Pengajar PPDS Farmakologi Klinik FKUI.

Tentang saya

Dr. dr. Anggi Gayatri, Sp.FK

Sekretaris Program Studi PPDS Farmakologi Klinik – FKUI & Dosen Tetap






Drug Utilization Study


5 Publikasi dengan sitasi terbanyak

  1. Association of impaired cytochrome P450 2D6 activity genotype and phenotype with therapeutic efficacy of primaquine treatment for latent Plasmodium vivax malaria. JAMA network open 1 (4), e181449-e181449.     
  2. Antiviral treatment of COVID-19: a clinical pharmacology narrative review. Medical journal of Indonesia 29 (3), 332-45.
  3. Association of impaired cytochrome P450 2D6 activity genotype and phenotype with therapeutic efficacy of primaquine treatment for latent Plasmodium vivax malaria.
  4. Xanthine oxidase-induced inflammatory responses in respiratory epithelial cells: a review in immunopathology of COVID-19. International Journal of Inflammation 2021.      
  5. A clinical trial on biological half life of bioactive protein from Lumbricus rubellus, DLBS1033 in healthy volunteers. Acta Medica Indonesiana 50 (3), 208-214.

5 Publikasi terbaru

  1. Pengetahuan Orang Tua dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi dengan Pola Swamedikasi Demam pada Anak di DKI Jakarta. Generics: Journal of Research in Pharmacy 2 (2), 113-118.
  2. Xanthine oxidase-induced inflammatory responses in respiratory epithelial cells: a review in immunopathology of COVID-19. International Journal of Inflammation 2021.      
  3. Population Pharmacokinetics: Pendekatan Alternatif pada Studi Penggunaan Obat di Indonesia. Generics: Journal of Research in Pharmacy 1 (1).
  4. Antiviral treatment of COVID-19: a clinical pharmacology narrative review. Medical journal of Indonesia 29 (3), 332-45.
  5. Pharmacometrics: Alternative approach of quantitative pharmacology. Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia 46 (2), 63-68

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(255) 352-6258

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Senin – Jum’at :
08.00 – 16.00


Jl. Salemba Raya No.6, Kenari, Kec. Senen, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta